Aw crap, I forgot to bring up my 3rd anniversary on Newgrounds...I blame Bill for this.
But yeah, 3 whole years on Newgrounds, oh how time has flew... Compare my pieces now to how it was 2 years ago when I first dabbled in digital art here and you can see the improvements: a new brush, a better grasp on anatomy to an extent, a fresh design for the sona, and sure enough: a bunch more fixations that's a bit hard to keep track of! (I feel like the fixations are a big part of who I am lol)
And here we are: 300+ fans in and I'm about to turn 19 in 2 days as of typing this...I know I keep saying thank and it's starting to get repetitive, but genuinely from my heart: THANK YOU ALL FOR STICKING WITH ME! The amount of support I get for what I do only just drives me to make more things I'm passionate about and I am all happy to share my passions with all of you...<3
~ M-kirbs
(Oh, and I have been working on quite a big project for the Jackbox and Gravity Falls communities, I'll be sure to shill it here if there's any Youtube coverage I can link ;))