Happy 2025, Newgrounds! It was a wild Maze of Life 2024 held, so I'm hyped to see what this year holds! As a token of my appreciaton for reaching 350 fans and to celebrate the New Year, I'm officially opening up my Discord server to EVERYONE (starting with the Newgrounds folks) after months of preparation and feedback from friends, have fun:
This server has...
- Exclusive behind the scenes and sneak peeks of upcoming projects from yours truly
- Roles depending on your hobbies, pronouns, and pings within the server
- Carefree roleplaying and hammer down on killjoys
- Events ranging from watch partys/movie nights to potential collaborative drawing canvases on Magma
- Emotes, stickers, and soundboard sounds spanning across the M-kirbs-verse and some of my hyperfixations
- And a friendly atmosphere to all creative people and friends alike!
Thank you all for an awesome year and let's hope this year can be more awesome with my 20th anniversary of life on the way!
Hope all goes well inviting new people in. Glad to have played a part in helping with the initial phase. Good luck and Godspeed.
Thanks a bunch, dude, love having ya in the server! Just remember you're welcome back anytime when you feel like joining back :D