Welp, I'm 19 and it's safe to say I've wasted my whole life...not really LOL! Man, a lot has happened since the collab, especially with my birthday coming after, might as well address some questions you might be asking:
Soooooo, how was your birthday?
Pretty crazy but overall really damn good! Got a buncha gifts that my parents got and I even got myself like new games and new merch (not to mention a LOT of good food too). The Book of Bill, Gimmick's collector's edition, that NWC deluxe set, and my BIG SWORD KIRBY PLUSHIE were basically the cherries on top of this black forest cake of a day...the Book of Bill especially.
You plan on watching that Borderlands movie?
Short answer: Probably not. Long answer: It's complicated...on my family doesn't really go to the cinema anymore (as much as I REALLY want that Claptrap popcorn bucket) and the reviews for the movie have not been looking so promising... I'll get just get a Blu-Ray/DVD of it and PRAY TO GUN GOD that SOMEONE sells that popcorn bucket online so I can snag it, feels like a crime to NOT get a cool as hell popcorn bucket of my second favorite character of all time. Yeah, the community reception has kinda made it so I haven't been hyping it up as much as the Book of Bill...on top of me being super-hyperfixated on Gravity Falls BECAUSE of that book. The reviews for the movie have not been looking so good, but people to really like Jack Black as Claptrap, so that's a win in my book!
On a lighter note, how was The Book of Bill?
LOVED IT! Oh man, it was SO worth the wait and convincing my mom to get that Barnes & Nobels version for my birthday (which even arrived on time for my birthday by the way, it's great)! ...That also means Bill is NOT leaving my head anytime soon lol. I won't go deep into spoilers in case you wanna read it yourself, but I'll just say it's a chaotic good time and made me appreciate books again. Now I kinda just wanna voice some of the pages myself...
Waitwaitwait, YOU CAN VOICE ACT NOW?!
Uh, yeah. Cipher even demon-wrote on that news post that I even voiced him for some random thing for a Discord pal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PfP0e2nnQT0 And plus, have you seen me on Discord? I've been posting a BUNCH of voice acting stuff in select servers (if you're in the Newgrounds Podcast server, chances are you might've seen some Cipher-related audio files in the self-promo channel), it's a lot of fun. As for getting that fun here on Newgrounds...again, it's complicated. I wanna post a "best of M-Cipher" where I pick some of my best Bill voicing shenanigans and post it here on the Audio Portal of Newgrounds, buuuuuut I'd want some music for it so it's not just me and my Bill voice in the void. The problem is that I can't just pick whatever song I want, there's copyright issues and whatnot, so I'm gonna have to find something here (preferrably Gravity Falls related) or someone can just hook me up with something to use that they're totally fine with. But yeah, besides that I've been hard at work with my Jackbox project which requires a lot of voice acting, unfiltered at that, so I've been getting used to hearing my own voice in recordings normally (and Bill's not the ONLY impression I can do, I've been working on the palette and I can do a mighty fine Claptrap and GLaDOS, so much so that the Voicemod server seems to REALLY like my impressions and I somehow won a couple of their impression challenges). So, if you wanna hook me up to do some VA gigs, I'm only a Discord/Newgrounds DM away, I'll be happy to do it for more practice!
What's next for ya in terms of art?
I honestly dunno for certain, I DO have a lot of plans for October for not only Halloween/Spooky Month, but to celebrate the 10th anniversary of one of my favorite games (think of it as a way of saying sorry for not hyping up the Borderlands movie...I know that movie is a disappointment so I'm not really that sorry? Uh, just expect a bunch of Claptrap art by then).
...What's with 2 of the art on your profile being deleted and a bunch more getting edited to remo-